New Foamed Glass Sub Base for Beamish Park Gardens Refurbishment
Womersley’s are pleased to be supplying Foamit Foamed Glass insulated free draining sub base to the new floor of a contemporary house refurbishment at Beamish Park Gardens.
Beamish Hall, perhaps at the time it was owned by the Eden Family, who partly remodelled it, had a Bath House constructed with an attached house (perhaps remodelled), adjacent to the Kitchen Garden, in the early to mid-nineteenth century. Although the Bath House, with its Tuscan pedimented portico Temple front, would have been approached through the gardens of the Hall. It was not linked by use to the adjacent brick walls that enclose the adjacent rectangular kitchen garden, with its heated garden walls and glass houses on its west side, but they are all now in the same ownership.
The new owners of the Kitchen Gardens and Bath House, previously uses that were not associated with each other, except by proximity, are combining the Temple fronted Bath House the attached dwelling and part of the Kitchen Garden wall into a new 5 bedroomed dwelling, tied together in a partly contemporary design of glass and oak designed by Greenwell Design.
Womersley’s have also advised on and supplied a sewage treatment plant which produces a good quality discharge, which will drain to the ground within the former kitchen garden.