
Our Consultancy Services

Over the past 25 years we have always offered full technical support to anyone using lime-based products or tackling work with older buildings. With highly knowledgeable staff, supported by a team of in-house professionals we have built our reputation on being a trusted lime specialist. Whilst we have a vast range of technical information available at our offices and online, sometimes more in-depth advice and services are needed.

We have being involved in prestigious conservation and restoration projects across the UK and worldwide. Our consultancy can be direct with you as the client or contractor working with building professionals to assist, analyse and help move projects forward.

At Womersley’s we offer consultancy services in:

  • Mortar testing
  • Paint analysis 
  • Salt Contamination
  • Plaster surveys
  • Preparation of proposals for insulating older buildings
  • Analysis of lead-based paints
  • International consultancy

The consultancy work includes site visits, technical reports and onsite training. For our full range of consultancy services please visit:

Consultancy and Analysis

If you believe you could benefit from our consultancy services please contact us for more information.