Shop|Natural Hydraulic Lime binders|Socli Ionic Old White Natural Hydraulic Lime NHL 3.5 25kg Bag

Socli Ionic Old White Natural Hydraulic Lime NHL 3.5 25kg Bag

From£14.50 + VAT

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Socli Ionic Old White Natural Hydraulic Lime NHL 3.5 25kg Bag

From£14.50 + VAT
Off White Natural Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5 25kg

Ionic Old White Natural Hydraulic Lime 

 Off White Natural Hydraulic Lime NHL3.5 25kg

Socli Lime offers a range of Natural Hydraulic Limes: feebly (NHL 2), moderately (NHL 3,5), and eminently (NHL 5) hydraulic lime produced to meet the requirements for mortar, render and plaster for conservation, restoration and new build construction.

Quality Socli Natural Hydraulic Lime (NHL)is produced from the natural argillaceous limestone deposits in the quarries at the Izaourt and Sauveterre Works of SOCLI in the South of France. The Quality Control at the works is backed by the extensive central Calcia Research and Development facilities, ensuring a high degree of consistency in performance and colour.

Socli NHL as a binder can be used for a wide range of applications for pointing, bedding, renders and plasters. Using a blend of well washed grit sand and sharp sand the mortar will have excellent workability and good water retention when applied to most bricks, blocks and surfaces to be bedded, rendered or plastered. The lower strength of natural hydraulic lime mortar compared with Portland cement based mortars allows mixes to be produced which complement the lower strengths of many natural stone and soft brick applications whilst improving plasticity and retaining a high level of cohesion with low shrinkage