Lime Green Medium Mortar 25KG
Lime Green Medium Mortar
Lime Green Coloured Mortars/Renders are made to order 10-14 Working Days lead time
Minimum Order 2 Bags for Each Factory Colour
Lime Green Medium Natural mortar is a dry pre-mixed lime mortar made with 3.5 Natural Hydraulic lime. The lime is blended with kiln dried Grit and River sand, which are 3mm down. The sands are pre washed to remove sediment before being dried and the result is a very workable mortar, with an off-white colour.
A 25kg bag will yield approx 14 litres of mortar sufficient to repoint 3-5m2. A 12kg tub will yield approx 6 litres of mortar sufficient to repoint 1.5-2m2
Repointing: 20kg/m² stonework; 7kg/m² brickwork. One tonne of mortar will lay 900-1200 bricks.
Before pointing remove all dust and loose material from joints. Dampen the area to be repointed first to help curing.
Mixing can take place in a tub or mixer. Use between 4-5 litres of clean water per 25kg or approx 2 litres per 12kg Tub. Add the water slowly, using just enough to achieve a workable mix. Lime mortars benefit from being left for 15mins to fatten after mixing and can be reworked for upto 4 hours.
To ensure good compaction and adhesion the mortar can be tampered firmly with a bristle brush as it starts to firm up, normally after 4 hours, this process also brings the sharp aggregate to the surface creating a lovely textured finish. Application temperature range 5-30C, protect against strong sunlight, heavy rain, frost with hessian.