Shop|Historic Construction Materials|PFA Pulverised Fuel Ash (pozzolan)

PFA Pulverised Fuel Ash (pozzolan)

From£14.00 + VAT

Technical Guides

Pulverised Fuel Ash

PFA Pulverised Fuel Ash (pozzolan)

From£14.00 + VAT
PFA is a by-product of pulverised fuel (usually coal) and is used as a pozzolanic additive in mortars, plasters and renders

Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) 20kg


Pulverised Fuel Ash is an artificial pozzolan collected as a residue from precipitators at coal fired power generation plants that use pulverised coal as fuel. A very common addition in cement production especially, but it is becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain the better grade PFA's owing to the reduction in Coal fired plants and widespread use of the material in industry.

Fly Ash 450-N

PFA has a medium to low pozzolanic index when used with lime, its particle shape makes it a useful addition in void filling grout. Low Sulphur Pulverised Fuel Ash, PFA, is a very fine dark grey powder which acts as a pozzolan but additionally darkens the colour of a mortar. Please talk to us regarding addition rates as it varies by application.

Pozzolans are commonly used as an addition to mortar mixes to increase their long term strength and to speed up the setting time. 


Technical Guides

Pulverised Fuel Ash